martes, 14 de abril de 2020

English 6th grade 15/04/20

Good morning!!

How are you today??

Did you enjoy your holidays??

Today we start the third term

We are going to work on the Class book page 42.We start unit 5.

Exercise 1.Leed el vocabulario .Buscad las palabras que no entendáis.Copiadlo en el cuaderno.

Vamos a trabajar la estructura:

Does she/he want to +verb...?Yes she/he does
                                                  No she/he doesn´t


Exercise 3 Write on your notebook questions and answers.

En el cuaderno copiamos las preguntas y respondemos.Mira los dibujos.

This is the answer key for the Easter song

Can't stop the feeling -Justin Timberlake-song-activity
I remind you my mail:

Have a nice day :)

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